Turning ‘Seasonal’ Attire into Year-Round

Many people would probably argue that playsuits, high waisted shorts, and vibrant colors are seasonal. I am not one of those people. In fact, I think wearing them year-round, “off season”, is even more an indicator of one’s fashion daringness and sense of style. I mean, who decided these things were seasonal anyway? That is about as ludicrous as the “no white after labor day” rule. The beginning of fall just means it’s time to play it up, that’s all. But, I digress.

I’m a huge fan of hosiery, socks, and beautiful colors and patterns. Being that I am, I tend to incorporate the four into most of the things that I wear. This is also how I am able to wear, shorts for example, in the middle of October. How? Well, Taking the elements of season (weather, feel) into account and then adding what I love is all that I do.

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