Style Spotlight: Mod Nails

I’ll be the first to admit that I am not heavily into “girly” activities involving nails, makeup, eyebrows, or any of that particular realm.

However, every now and then I come across something that makes me want to reconsider. That something is mod nails.

Mod style was popularized in 1960s fashion with geometric prints, shapes, and bright colors and has now made its way onto nails, courtesy of skilled nail artists (yay!)

Usually when I am inspired to do something with my nails, I usually just throw on a few coats of my favorite red polish and go about my day.

These nails, though, could potentially become my new go-to (well, maybe not ‘go-to’ since I’m a broke college student,but, you get my drift).

They’re so different and unique from the usual french tips and solid colors. Plus, they’d certainly add a bit of edge to any look, making any girl feel like the perfect blend of bad-ass and class all at the same time.

For those of you who are crafty and would like to try the style out yourself versus visiting professional nail technician, check out this easy to follow how-to tutorial:

Do you see yourself trying any mod nail styles?